Muharemovic: “I feel Bosnian. Wearing the national team jersey is the most beautiful thing”

The defender of Sassuolo Tarik Muharemov he spoke to the official channels of the black-green club about his choice to wear the Bosnian jersey and not that of Slovenia: “I have a dual passport because my parents are from Bosnia, then there was the war and they moved to Slovenia where my brother and I were born and there we got the passport, but I have always said that I am 100% Bosnian and that I always want to play for Bosnia and that’s why I also got the Bosnian passport, because I can have two and so I can play for Bosnia. – continues the 2003 class as reported – The satisfaction of representing Bosnia is the best thing there is. Representing my national team is truly a beautiful thing, even the most beautiful thing in my career so far.that I can play for my country.”

Then there was room for his debut: “It was against England, it’s a moment I’ll never forget. My parents told me that when they saw the game and saw that I came on, my mother told me that tears even came to her eyes”.