Fonseca’s all-in: in the derby with Inter the same choices made against Liverpool

TMW Podcast

In or out. Paulo Fonseca is playing his future in the match against Inter next weekend. But should he be the only one to pay? What will he do to try to save the ship that is taking on water and relaunch his Rossoneri project? The seven choices… Made with Liverpool. Everything in today’s Podcast of Tuttomercatoweb.con, with Marco Conterio.

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Capello’s attack on Ibra
It’s a Milan in evident crisis what is being faced, once the Champions League parenthesis is closed, the ‘holy week’ of Milanese football: the one that leads to the derby againstInter.

Inevitably, however, everyone’s attention remains focused on the technical crisis that the Rossoneri club is in. A crisis that has put the position of Paulo Fonseca.

On the topic, through the columns of The Sports Gazette a legend also expressed itself Devil as Fabio Capello: “When I took over a team I was attentive to the past but I put my ideas into it. I have always made wine with the grapes I had. What are Fonseca’s grapes like? You should ask the person who made the transfer market. I heard the boss on TV (Zlatan Ibrahimoviced.): he says he’s in charge, right? So he has some responsibility too.”

When asked what Fonseca should do, Capello then explains: “Get into the players’ heads. I don’t think we have the right competitive tension. As if they weren’t prepared to face situations different from those in training in a match. After the Scudetto, the spirit was lacking, as if they had a full stomach: Tomori seemed like a phenomenon, today he’s struggling terribly. Maybe Ibra could instill tension in him: he didn’t lack it on the pitch”.