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Ahead of Saturday’s league match against Juventus, Napoli coach Anthony Conte will be present in the conference room of the technical centre of Castel Volturno to answer questions from the press starting at 2.00 pm. On as usual, the live text of the press conference.
2.00pm – The press conference begins
“Before starting I would like to offer a small thought for the passing of Totò Schillaci, at only 59 years old a footballer and a person who is a bit of an emblem especially for us from the South, a person who had made it to the top, represented a great example for all of us. I am truly saddened and sorry, I was lucky enough to play with him at Juve when I was 21, he was already established. A thought for the family for the loss of an excellent person”.
Is this match too early to test the level of his team?
“As I said before Cagliari, for all teams, with the transfer market ending so late, there is a settling-in phase. Some new players arrived a few days ago and then you have to face three games with those who left. We are all working hard to find the right balance, those who have time don’t wait for time, every game is worth three points. We are all looking for the balance but there is also the need to see good performances and get points because these are worth it at the end of the year. I expect to provide continuity, to grow, from many points of view, not to stop and think about what the last game was and not to delude ourselves because every single game is a test for us”.