Graziani: “If De Rossi leaves, Ghisolfi must also leave. He is also a child of this reality”

Francis Grazianiformer Roma footballer, in an interview with The Time comments on the decision to fire De Rossi: “The results in my opinion have little or nothing to do with it. There was something between him and the club, which then gave rise to this decision. Then obviously no one was happy with the three points in four games, but I have to say that Roma was not a team without a game or in disarray. Fonseca resisted at Milan, they gave him a chance in Venice. Furthermore, I don’t think there is any controversy linked to Palladino or Italiano, given their results, Pecchia let himself come back from 2-0, should we fire him too?”.

Many fans are now attacking the players. Can you actually play against the coach?
“Whoever thinks that a player can play against the coach must understand that first of all he is playing against himself. I have had coaches with whom I have argued, but on the pitch I always gave 200%. First of all for myself, but then for the professionalism of my teammates. The players could have spoken to the club to say that they do not agree with the decision made, perhaps even reaching extreme situations, saying that they do not want to take the pitch on Sunday”.

But in your opinion is De Rossi the only one responsible?
“If De Rossi leaves, Ghisolfi must also leave. He too is a child of this reality that we are living, because the coach is not the only one responsible for not making the team perform to its potential, so something went wrong even in the construction of the squad. I am very sorry for Daniele, he was working well, he did not deserve it and above all, from a professional point of view it is a very strong blow”.