Cosenza, sigh of relief for Fumagalli: no ankle injury

Sigh of relief at Cosenza on the front Thomas FumagalliThe striker, who left the pitch during half-time of the match against Sampdoria after a bad landing on his left ankle following a collision in the air, in fact underwent instrumental tests yesterday which, according to initial rumours reported by Tifocosenza.itthey gave good news, not showing any lesions to the joint.

The alert has therefore been called back into play in the Calabrian home even though the player’s conditions will be monitored by the Calabrian medical staff in view of the match against Sassuolo scheduled for Sunday. The hope is to allow the player to at least go to the bench with Strizzolo who would replace him on the pitch alongside Mazzocchi.

We are now waiting for a statement from the Wolves in this regard for the confirmation of these first rumors.