From Kayode’s entourage: “When it’s up to him he’ll be ready. Pradè? He told the truth”

Andrea Returnshead scout of Vigo Global Sport, who has among his clients the young defender Michael Kayode of Fiorentina, spoke to Radio FirenzeViola during the broadcast ‘Viola Amore Mio’: “He wants to work, he does it with enthusiasm and he is at the coach’s complete disposal. When his turn comes he will be ready”.

What effect did Pradè’s words on Kayode have on you?
“He told the truth. He didn’t think it was appropriate to talk to the president about the foreign situation for Michael. It means he considers him an important element for the future.”

So is it true that there were English teams after him?
“Yes, everyone knew that Aston Villa and Brentford had come forward. It’s good when a boy is interested in a major league like the English one.”

How much time should Palladino have?
“Time is a gentleman, I hope the coach finds his balance as soon as possible. I think he will slowly find his dimension, trying to reposition certain tactical situations. For me, Fiorentina has put together a great squad”.

How do you see Kayode in the center-right role? Better on the wing?
“His mistake in the Conference is also linked to youth. You have to take the positive and negative sides of a boy who is maturing. Kayode made a mistake on the penalty, but there was a concurrence of blame. As for the role: his ideal is that of fifth. He must be a ‘flag-flag’, as they say in Tuscan. The important thing is that he perceives the adventure of the coach”.