Salernitana, Iervolino between sale and relaunch. For the bench Grosso idea

While on a technical level there is very little or nothing to say, at Salernitana there are many question marks regarding the future. While waiting for perhaps the worst season in history to end soon, the fans are in turmoil and ask themselves daily what the ownership’s decision will be. Iervolino is at a crossroads: remain at the helm of the club by transforming bitterness into a desire for redemption or abandon the world of football by selling the entire share package to the highest bidder. According to what is filtering in these hours, in recent months someone has knocked on the door of the Campania association asking for information or the CEO Maurizio Milan or to some professionals not officially included in the organizational chart, but who have always supported Iervolino. There is insistent talk of a foreign fund, of a couple of entrepreneurs from Campania with interests also in the political world (but in this case we didn’t go beyond the informal chat) and of another foreign group that would like to invest in Italy. What is the price for the sale? Iervolino knows well that relegation leads to a decrease in the value of the club. Also because the potential buyer would have to, in record time, take over the club, recapitalize immediately and then invest heavily in the market. There are no times and precisely for this reason the chances of the owner remaining at the helm increase as the days go by, although the Hamlet-like doubt remains: if Iervolino remains only due to the absence of interlocutors considered valid, will he be willing to set up a squad capable of attempt the big leap or will you expect a few years of adjustment by focusing on young people?

Many things will be understood from the choice of the sporting director. In these hours there is insistence on Angelozzi from Frosinone, for whom a three-year contract with Sampdoria is ready regardless of the outcome of this championship. The name of Pasquale Foggia remains noted in the notebook, while the rumor of a survey for Francesco Montervino was denied. Stefano Colantuono should be promoted: role of technical director with prestigious role also with regards to the youth sector. However, it cannot be ruled out that he could remain at the helm of the first team as coach: the availability is there, the owners are thinking about it and do not rule out a rapprochement with Filippo Inzaghi who, until June, will remain in the city together with his family . He really likes Fabio Grosso, a profile already explored in recent months. Paolo Zanetti is another profile that tickles the imagination of Salernitana, but the competition is great and we should move in advance by proposing an interesting project.

As for the squad, you can really count on the fingers of one hand the players who have a chance of staying: Legowski, maybe Gyomber, Fiorillo as third goalkeeper and the young Iannoni. From the sales of Lovato, Pirola, Dia, Lassana Coulibaly, Bradaric, Tchaouna and one between Kastanos and Maggiore it is hoped to obtain a treasure of 20 million euros, to which add the 20 from the parachute, the 6 from the TV rights and the 10 for the redemptions of Daniliuc (Salzburg), Bohinen (Genoa) and Mazzocchi, with Napoli called to pay the other million and a half foreseen by the contract. The 400 thousand euro clause which will allow the contract to be dissolved will almost certainly also be paid Candreva, economically unsustainable for Serie B unless the captain makes a lifestyle choice by spreading his salary over two more seasons. Via Ochoa, Costil, Fazio, Boateng, mAnolas, Pasalidis, Pellegrino, Vignato, Gomis, Zanoli, Pierozzi, Martegani and Weismann, Bonazzoli, Bronn, Sepe, Valencia and Mamadou Coulibaly will return but only the latter has any chance of reconfirmation. To be placed elsewhere Ikwuemesi, Simy and Mikael who earn a lot but are not included in the technical plans.