Comforting news is arriving, in a complicated situation, on the health conditions of Toto Schillacihospitalized for several days in the pneumology department of the civic hospital of Palermo. The latest bulletin, reported by palermotoday.itlets us know that the hero of Italia ’90 is slightly recovering.
In particular, the health management of the Civico hospital announced that Schillaci “has needed less oxygen in the last 24 hours”. The patient is currently stable, and the doctors treating Schillaci announced that “his conditions have improved since he entered the hospital”.
In recent days, after the proliferation of news about Schillaci’s conditions, his wife had asked to respect the delicacy of the situation: “There is no news, neither negative nor positive, the situation is stationary. I know how much Totò is dear to people, I understand the attention but I ask you to respect our moment. I can’t say anything else, thank you”.