Naples, Lawyer Grassani: “Osimhen’s capital gain? At a sporting level it’s a buried story”

During an interview given to Radio CRCthe lawyer Mattia Grassani he talked about various situations that have happened over the years at Aurelio De Laurentiis’ Napoli.

On Higuain.
“After his transfer to Juventus, he claimed before the Arbitration Board approximately 1 million euros in taxes that Napoli had paid to the State for the tax on the Super Rich. The dispute concerned the person responsible for the payment: according to Higuain, the amount had to be paid by Napoli, while the club had a diametrically opposed position. Higuain took Napoli to court and suffered a resounding KO there. It was established that the tax had to be paid by Higuain and the player was also sentenced to pay the operating costs of the Arbitration Board and Napoli’s legal costs”.

About Osimhen.
“At a sporting level, the Osimhen story is buried. There are two strands: the one of sporting justice has already been concluded for two years. As for the criminal one, from the case file there are no new elements that could lead to fearing a reopening of the sporting proceedings”.

On contracts.
Napoli’s contracts are those of a real company. It is the first club in Serie A to have introduced image rights for all its members. Sports performance contracts are standard for athletes, while those of coaches, especially if they come from abroad, are more complex. What I can say after 19 years is that I have never seen in professional football, but also in other disciplines, such meticulousness and attention as that of President De Laurentiis and Chiavelli”.