Pro Sesto in Serie D, the club’s note: “Many mistakes were made, the corrections were late”

After the relegation to Serie D, Pro Sesto published a note on its official channels in which it takes stock of the season and the mistakes made especially in the first part of the year, underlining how the corrective measures were late and did not allow another final. This is the press release from the Lombard club:

“We ended the season with a relegation which hurts and pains us a lot. It is undeniable that errors were made, corrected only belatedly and partially.

We were forced, like every year, to largely rebuild the team group and, in this last season, the change did not bring the results that we all would have hoped for.

The end of the season demonstrated that the group had the qualities that could have allowed for a peaceful salvationbut evidently the initial errors made by the entire management, management not in line with expectations and a bit of bad luck in some matches condemned us to a heavily negative result.

The latest change in technical guidance brought enthusiasm and the desire to subvert the trend of the season, but unfortunately it was too late to be able to try to stay in the category through the playouts.

With the certainty of having always worked for the good of the club, we thank the fans who have always supported the team and let’s start working again to guarantee Pro Sesto the corporate growth that the entire movement deserves, with the aim of returning to professional football as soon as possible“.