Maspero: “Torino, shame about Buongiorno and Bellanova. But there’s nothing missing to amaze”

With 7 points in 3 games, Torino’s start to the season has been anything but disappointing. Richard Masperoa man who has remained in the hearts of the Granata fans, retraces the long summer that has just ended with the transfer market, in the interview with Allsports: “Toro has done very well, but it must not lose its dimension and has the obligation to work on its defects. The great teams will go out sooner or later, but with humility the Granata can play against everyone”.

Maspero also dwells on the market, which saw the departures of Buongiorno and Bellanova: “Toro immediately seemed weakened to me, but a new coach can provide different stimuli. And in the end I think the team has come together in the adversities of the market: obviously, very strong players have left, this seems undeniable to me”.

Outgoing market but not only. Maspero also focuses on some entries (“I really liked Adams in the first outings”, ed.) and on those players who remained despite the many market rumors: “Milinkovic Savic and Ilic? I think that more than others they have benefited from a new air: they needed new stimuli and now they have also taken responsibility”.