Vaciago: “It’s a setback, but Juve is moving forward. Vlahovic’s psychological state is worrying”

“It’s a setback, but Juve is moving forward”. On the pages of Allsportsthe director Guido Vaciago comment on the 0-0 draw that took place last night at the Stadium between Juventus by Thiago Motta and the Rome by Daniele De Rossi, who arrived after a very fast start to the championship by the Bianconeri, struggling with the inclusion of the many players who arrived in the final hours of a transfer market judged by insiders to be among the best in Serie A: “It slows down, but it doesn’t stop. The disappointment is mounting proportionally to the enthusiasm evoked by the first two games, but an emotionally aseptic analysis confirms the conceptual progress of Thiago Motta’s team. […]

[…] Juventus knew that it is and remains complex to build a new team, with a new tactical mentality, with so many new players. Now they will have to continue working, especially to integrate the new ones and take advantage of all the new purchases. […]

Only one thing worries: the psychological state of Dusan Vlahovic who, when he is having a bad day, gets discouraged after the first mistakes and tangles the thread of his game until he finds himself in an inextricable tangle, in which he ends up stumbling continuously. Last night he lacked a spark to resolve the game: in a championship, the games won because you have the bomber and the others don’t are the ones that weigh much more in the final count of points”.