Turin, Juric: “Bologna is unique in Europe. I understood the fans, the Granata people are not simple people”

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9.45 – The race for Europe was interrupted a month ago, with the last Granola victory now dated March 30th with a 1-0 against Monza. Now the team has not scored for three rounds in a row, against Bologna there is a need for a turning point given the particularity of the match, which falls on the eve of May 4th and the Superga tragedy. Soon, from the conference room of the Olimpico Grande Torino stadium, the coach Ivan Juric will present the match against the rossoblu. Follow the live text on Tuttomercatoweb.comthe conference is scheduled to start at 10 am.

10.07am – Juric’s press conference begins

What are the pitfalls of tomorrow?
“Bologna is the team that impressed me the most, they have a fantastic spirit. When I see them, they are really strong: we have to face them at our best”

What are Thiago Motta’s new additions to Bologna?
“After a long time, I saw something new and I liked it. He built it with the director, they are players with European characteristics and the way they play is particular. Even outside of Italy you don’t see their play. I’m curious to see what Thiago will do in a possible new team”

Thiago is linked to big clubs: is he surprised?
“No, he was already half a genius as a footballer. He needed time, in Bologna he found his dimension. His footballing background takes him to a great team, he will have a great career. I’m curious to see how his career will continue”

At San Siro with the back four: will you continue like this?
“We’ll see. I liked Toro a lot in the first half, we created a lot. It’s a valid option”

Do you have the inertia to change this lack of results?
“These are points of view. The left side is a great success, but we haven’t reached the maximum peaks of joy. But I always remember where we started from, we have to be careful with our words”

Why is tenth place the constant?
“These are always points of view. We hope to still be on the left side: they are excellent results. To do something more, something was missing. Then we will analyze the errors or whether we have brought out the best. I have my ideas on what more could have been done”

What are the stimuli for tomorrow?
“You have often asked me this question…Every match is an opportunity, an important shirt is being defended: enough is enough as motivations. I don’t ask myself this problem. Every year we have problems with contract deadlines, someone on loan, but everyone trains hard and we prepare to do our best. If something happens that I notice, you react and go and solve it. But I always see the team on track.”

Will you play one or two strikers tomorrow?
“We’ll see how to deal with them”

Win or lose, but you are always tenth: the team is always mediocre. Isn’t tenth place the ideal placement? Not just from a football point of view…
“No. They are always points of view…In other places tenth place is a great result, looking at the budget and situations it is an excellent result. Then seeing what I think about the history and the joy of the fans, Toro must have an objective, structure and work to be better than tenth place. On the one hand, it is a great job starting from 17th place in this three-year period , but it’s not true joy”

These could be our last conferences…
“Will you miss me? (laughs, ed.)”

What is Juric’s regret at the moment?
“We made many good decisions, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone from what Toro was like for three years to a comfortable and positive situation with so many young people today. But there were also mistakes made, as in all jobs. There were situations in which could have done better”

And outside of work, in the relationship with the city and with the history of Toro?
“We need to understand each other…You are not a simple people, very complex. Spending time with the fans, you are complex: not normal (laughs, ed.)…You are a complex people who need to be understood, sometimes at the beginning you don’t understand certain things reactions because you don’t have the baggage to understand them. This is the story, I understand you now and even when I talk to fellow fans I understand that you have to not settle and push. Some are not right for me and should be more intense “

What would you have done differently in these three years?
“I wouldn’t give so much confidence if someone has never scored a goal or anything similar, I would think more about the statistics and history of the players. I would be much more careful about this”

An important gap has been created with Bologna: where is the difference?
“They did everything well, they put the pieces of the puzzle in place and took European and young players. They got everything right with Thiago Motta who is on another level. They have a double team, there are 20 players more or less of the same level And then the coach made the difference.”

What advice would you give Taurus about growing up?
“I don’t know…The president is ambitious and wants to do well. I would keep everyone and buy three or four. So I would try to get more. Or sell everything and start from scratch: black or white, I would do Like this”

What’s new in training?
“Linetty is back, while Lovato had a little problem and seems muscular. And Tameze won’t be there due to disqualification”

Could the goal be his three-year record, 53 points?
“My only disappointment was Frosinone in the last four or five months, they stayed there. Otherwise we played good football. I’m more than motivated for Bologna, it’s an important team and it’s new, you can see if you can compete with them. Even in the subsequent games they give you a great push: the group is healthy and wants to do the best possible. The goal is to do the best possible, now we think Bologna is a good test and we want to score as many points as possible.”

Did you think it might be your last May 4th at Toro?
“It was a great emotion. Last year some players weren’t able to come while Buongiorno was reading the names: we need to organize it better so that everyone understands what it means. I want them all to be present and to receive a further push to be proud of being here is an important day for all of us.”

10.30am – Juric’s press conference ends