In Argentina you can now study Maradona: the degree course called Diegologia is born

Diego Armando Maradona has not been forgotten by anyone in the world of football, especially in Argentina. As reported by The morningFabian D’Aloisio, professor of social communication at the University of Buenos Aires, has in fact created an ad hoc study path for the Pibe de Oro called Diegology, a training space promoted by the digital magazine Meta Sentidos en Juego. There will be 18 teachers, including those who knew him very well such as his athletic trainer Fernando Signorini and his biographer Daniel Arcucci, with 40 registered in person and 100 remotely, 20 of whom are from abroad.

Fabian D’Aloisio explained: “Naples is the place where Maradona was able, more than anywhere else, to materialize his status as a man of the people and to be most loved. We have created all this in terms of what he continues to represent for the Argentine people and beyond, for sport in general and for our own stories. There has been space for Diego in the lives of millions of people around the world, even after the end of his career and his passing notice, was to create this space for reflection, with questions and answers on an undoubtedly protagonist figure of recent history. That body continues to exist by the most diverse social categories, people who want to investigate a little more not only on the person but try to understand its weight in our culture. Let’s retrace our victories and our defeats, reviving our passions. Maradona is body, words, gestures and image”.