The FIGC, through its official communication channels, has announced the news regarding the coaching staff of the Under 19 national teams..
Here are the main new features in the squad: after reaching the European semi-final with the Under 19 national team, Bernardo Corradi will continue his journey with Italy as Under 20 coachto lead ‘his’ boys to the World Championship in the category scheduled for 2025 in Chile. Consequent to the ‘slip’ – or rather: the return – of Alberto Bollini to the Under 19after the European title won just one year ago. Daniele Zoratto will instead be alongside Maurizio Viscidi in the role of vice coordinator of the men’s youth national teams and so Marco Scarpa will sit on the bench of the Under 16sformer observer of Club Italia and last season assistant to Bollini in the Under 20s.
Joining Club Italia are: Manuel Pasqual, who will be assistant coach to Daniele Franceschini in the Under 18s, and Cristiano Lupatelli, who will be goalkeeping coach in the Under 16 national team.
But how do you start again after a season that has been very positive for the results achieved by the Azzurrini? “We start again – underlined Maurizio Viscidi, before starting his lesson – with the satisfaction of having obtained a historic title with the Under 17, a semi-final at the Under 19 European Championship and the consequent qualification for the Under 20 World Cup, achieved for the fourth consecutive time. The awareness is that these results are the fruit of daily work, of many people, from coaches to assistants, to trainers, match analysts and observers, in addition to the organizational part. So the first thing you have to do is not rest on your laurels, but know that a long journey has been made to get here and that if you don’t find continuity and daily work, you won’t achieve the same results.
So: well done for what has been done, but now we need to start sowing for the future again.”
Men’s youth national teams: technical staff details
Coordinator: Maurizio Viscidi
Deputy Coordinator: Daniele Zoratto
Goalkeeping Area Coordinator: Gaetano Petrelli
Trainer: Carmine Nunziata
Assistants: Matteo Brighi and Christian Maggio
Athletic trainer: Vito Azzone
Goalkeeping coach: Fabrizio Ferron
Match analyst: Gianluca Mazziotti
Trainer: Bernardo Corradi
Assistant: Mirco Gasparetto
Athletic trainer: Marco Montini
Goalkeeping coach: Graziano Vinti
Trainer: Alberto Bollini
Assistant: Matthew Barella
Athletic trainer: Nicholas Varesco
Goalkeeping coach: Francesco Antonioli
Trainer: Daniele Franceschini
Assistant: Manuel Pasqual
Athletic trainer: Roberto Ghielmetti
Goalkeeping coach: Stefano Baroncini
Trainer: Massimiliano Favo
Assistant: Davide Cei
Athletic trainer: Adalberto Zamuner
Goalkeeping coach: David Quironi
Trainer: Marco Scarpa
Athletic trainer: Luca Coppari
Goalkeeping coach: Christian Lupatelli
Supervisor: Antonio Rocca
Trainer: Enrico Battisti
Assistant: Bruno Redolfi
Athletic trainer: Luca Bossi
Match analysis area
Contact person: Marco Mannucci
Under 21: Gianluca Mazziotti
Match analyst available: Luca Dalmasso, Francesco Donzella, Andrea Loiacono, Igor Graziani, Nicolò Tolin, Guido Didona (Women’s National A)
Data analysis area
Vanni Di Febo, Roberto Paolini and Matteo Stabile
Scouting Area
Observers: Claudio Coppi, Giancesare Discepoli, Andrea Serino, Alessandro Musicco, Claudio Gabetta, Luca Briccarello, Andrea Campatelli, Giampietro Di Pierro, Italo Graziani, Domenico Maggiora, Antonio Martella, Matteo Orlandoni, Giovanni Re, Armando Reggiannini, Francesco Talarico and Carlo Zanantoni.