Cittadella, Marchetti: “I have something in mind to replace Pittarello. But patience is needed”

“Over 500 fans in Lavarone for the Fan Festival? These people must be proud, and they are, of what has been done in all these years. Every year we have to reset everything and start from scratch, if we want to remain competitive we have to do it this way”. The general manager of Cittadella Stephen Marchetti from the columns of The Gazette he talks about the affection of the fans towards the team and then focuses on the future and the market.

“Starting from scratch in the way of reasoning, in humility, in competitive hunger, in the desire to win and challenge oneself. – continues Marchetti – If anyone thinks that Cittadella starts from an advantageous positionbecause it has achieved certain goals in the past, he gets it all wrongSerie B is a very difficult championship, and saving the category is the first objective to achieve”.

The DG then looks at the market and the replacement of Pittarello: “The squad will have to be completed, we are missing something and it will arrive. I hope as soon as possible, but the negotiations do not depend only on me even if I hope that at the right time Cittadella can present itself in full. – continues Marchetti – I have something in mind for the attack and to replace Pittarelloit takes time for everything to mature. It won’t be today or tomorrow but we’ll get there.”

Finally, a look at the seasonal goals: “Maintaining the category is an amazing result and never to be taken for granted for this reality, so we must reach that goal which then gives us the serenity to dream of something more”.