Corvino: “We will fight for Lecce’s third miracle. You will see the squad at the end of the transfer window”

Pantaleo Corvino, Lecce’s technical area managerspoke to The Southern Gazette regarding the difficulties of doing business in a reality like the one he finds himself managing: “Combining positive results with the sustainability of the project is a complicated exercise. We are afraid of disappointments, and precisely to try to avoid them we continue to fight like David against Goliath, with the awareness of how arduous our task is. We are the southernmost team in Italy…”.

The manager projects himself onto the team he is building: “It will be even more difficult for us than in the recent past, but we are doing our best to build a team that will fight strenuously to try to achieve the third consecutive “miracle”. We will see what level our squad will be at the end of the transfer market. When the budget, as in our case, does not allow us to focus on players with proven qualities, we need to beat lesser-known markets, using the art of seeing those potentials that, if worked on, can become qualities. This applies to young players, but also to those who, for the most varied reasons, are going through a critical phase in their careers”.

Conclusion on his modus operandi, that of convincing potential new purchases with images of Salento: “For me this is a constant. I think it is important that the footballer knows the places where he will have to live and play, that he is aware of how great the warmth of the Salento supporters is. All this also serves to arouse the curiosity of my interlocutors”.