Caressa: “Spalletti made a mistake in his physical preparation, he found the Inter block below par”

The journalist Fabio Caressaintervened on Sky Sportsreturned to Italy’s defeat in the round of 16 of Euro 2024 against Switzerland: “Would Switzerland have been beatable? Of course, we’re not like that. It was enough to put the players in their positions, it wasn’t that difficult. Spalletti started off well by saying: ‘There’s the Inter block and I’ll propose it again’. The problem is that he then got the physical preparation wrong. They recharged the Inter players instead of recovering and so he found them a bit below par because they hadn’t played for a month, they had won the Scudetto before. So he thought about changing”.

On the match against Switzerland, Caressa then added: “In the second half you might lose it anyway, but Spalletti should have played it with three at the back without inventing anything with Darmian-Buongiorno-Bastoni in defense. Then I would have put Dimarco and Cambiaso on the wings, Jorginho in midfield, Barella in his position on the center left and Frattesi without making him think too much with the instructions, but leaving him free to go. Finally Chiesa and Scamacca in attack”.