Empoli, Corsi: “Cambiaghi is ready for a further leap upwards”

Interviewed by Radio Olympiathe president of Empoli Fabrizio Courses spoke about Cambiaghi’s possible move to Lazio: “Cambiaghi is now an Atalanta player who no longer has anything to do with Empoli after having contributed to the goal of salvation last season. The boy has grown so much with us during the championship and the changes of coaches who followed one another on our bench – report colleagues from Lalaziosiamonoi.it -. His constant improvement makes me calmly affirm that Cambiaghi is ready for a step forward.

Lazio? For me yes, I repeat that Cambiaghi is ripe for a further leap upwards. The same thing goes for Cancellieri, however I don’t have to buy them so it’s not up to me to decide which team they will play for. Their return to Empoli? I tend to exclude him, we are now a place that could be too tight for him…”.