Ternana, a new general manager is on the way: there is an agreement with Diego Foresti

To support the president Nicola Guida and the sports director Stefano Capozucca there will be next season Diego Foresti, fresh from saying goodbye to the winning and exciting Catanzaro that he helped build in recent seasons. The manager, with experience also in Viterbo and Como, is in fact one step away from becoming the general director of the Umbrian club. Foresti also boasts some international experience as a market consultant for some Eastern European clubs such as Partizan and Red Star in Serbia.

As you read above Ternananews in fact the last meeting between the parties, which took place in the last few hours, produced a general agreement which in the next few days, by the weekend, will also see the signatures on the contracts.

The arrival of a general manager stems from the desire of number one Guida to increase the solidity of the club and have another point of reference for the rebirth of the red-green club both on and off the pitch. Foresti’s tasks will be 360 ​​degrees: from the organization of the club to the management of the team: clearly with the awareness of fitting into an already existing context which is already carrying forward the programs for next season .