Bari, green ideas for the defense: they like Fontanarosa from Inter and Guarino from Empoli

There are several options for the Bari market and the latest ones come from today’s pages The Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno. Some hypotheses linked to young people are circulating: Alessandro Fontanarosaleft-wing centre-back who will return to Inter from his loan at Cosenza Gabriele Guarino twenty year old originally from Molfetta, but owned by Empoli.

In midfield, the spotlight is on Maita: for the newspaper, the intention is to keep him, despite the sirens from Mignani’s Cesena. Bellomo’s permanence is unlikely. The newspaper writes about the attack that you need to pay attention to two reliable names. The first is Alberto Cerri, 28 years old, a center forward who has returned to Como from a loan at Empoli: Longo trained him while leading the Como team and appreciates him. Contacts would also be open with Parma for Anthony Partipilo, a 29-year-old from Bari, who grew up in red and white and is eligible for the flag.