Türkiye, Montella: “A perfect match will be needed against Portugal. On Guler and Yildiz…”

At 6pm Turkey is playing a lot against Portugal. After the success against Georgia, the national team of Vincenzo Montella will face Roberto Martinez’s Portuguese side to close the score regarding qualification. A certainly complex match that should not be underestimated but which will see many young and certainly talented players face the star Cristiano Ronaldo.

To the microphones of Sky Sportsthe former Milan and Roma coach presented the challenge: “Every match is different – he began -. We need to adapt and highlight our strengths and try to limit the defects that all teams have. We like it bring the ball, we are a team with quality young and old talents. We will try to play our match knowing that we will have to play the perfect match.

Arda Guler? It’s 2005, she is 19 years old and plays for Real Madrid and this says a lot about her talent. Just like Kenan Yildiz, she is also a 2005 and also has great future potential. We also have other kids in the squad like Semih who has played less or like Kaplan who plays for Ajax and he too has a great future. We try to help them blossom as soon as possible.”