Modena, Mister Bisoli’s staff made official: Angelini deputy, Bronzi athletic trainer

Modena announces Mr. Bisoli’s technical staff. With a press release issued by the official portal, the Emilian club announced the team that will have the task of leading, together with the coach, the group in the next Serie B season:

“The technical staff for next season has been made official and will be led by Pierpaolo Bisoli starting from 1 July. The main change concerns the inclusion of Domenico Bronzi as responsible athletic trainer (in the last season at Potenza).

STAFF. 2nd coach: Giuseppe Angelini. Technical collaborator: Davide Bisoli. Goalkeeping coach: Andrea Rossi. Athletic trainers: Domenico Bronzi (manager), Alessandro Brandoli. Match analyst: Andrea Pulga.

The composition of the club’s medical area will also be communicated in the next few days.”