Inter, today is a celebration. The fans: “Simone Inzaghi jumps with us”. And the technician executes

Inter-Turin it is above all the celebration of the Nerazzurri, who play their first match after having arithmetically won the scudetto. An atmosphere of great joy and even student spirit at San Siro, where for once also Simone Inzaghi he abandons himself to the general enthusiasm.

The curtain call with the fans. It took place in the opening minutes, when around the tenth minute the Inter supporters started singing the usual chants for their coach, who as per tradition responded with applause. Today, however, the fans at the stadium want more and have started singing “jump with us, Simone Inzaghi jump with us”.
After another round of applause and a bit of perplexity, as well as exchanging a couple of smiles with the bench, Inzaghi actually responded to the chorus of his fans, in raptures, by jumping on the spot inside his technical area.

The TMW live of Inter-Turin