Lautaro: “Since I’ve been at Inter I’ve found people who love me”

“The love for football is something that is in my blood, my father passed this passion on to me since I was two or three years old.” On the match day programme Of Inter-Turin talking is Lautaro Martinezcaptain of the Nerazzurri who won the scudetto in the derby with five days to spare: “I remember that he took me to the dressing room with him and from there I understood that that could be my destiny.

Since I was a child I have faced every challenge with the aim of growing, I left home at 15/16 years old chasing a dream and step by step I achieved many goals that I had always wanted. Every stage and every start was precious: the first goal against Racing, the first for the national team, the first against Inter…Since I arrived in Milan I have found people who loved me and who helped me and the fans who supported us everywhere with the same strength.”

During the interview, Lautaro also talks about his passion for mathematics and the birth of the nickname that accompanies him on the pitch:
“As a child I liked studying mathematics and biology, I liked numbers and everything that told about life. Football has always been there, since its origins, the idol was Falcao, a striker who inspired me with his way to live and play. However, I earned my nickname at Racing, two teammates gave it to me when I arrived, they said that I kicked hard, that I had a lot of power and that it was difficult to stop me, Toro was born from there.”