Sportiello’s report cards: unexpected protagonist, the point against Juventus is thanks to him

Unexpected protagonist of the evening Marco Sportiello. The Milan goalkeeper showed off an over the top performance, proving decisive in the match against Juventus. “He was caught in the warm-up – comments the Gazzetta dello Sport – he reacts great: at least three decisive saves. He shuts down Vlahovic, Kostic and Milik, one after the other. Much of the point lies with him.” “Surprise hero of the evening – analyzes Tuttosport – also because he only comes onto the pitch due to an ailment from Maignan a few minutes before the start. Instead he turns out to be attentive to Vlahovic’s free kick from the edge of the box, extraordinary in nailing down Vlahovic’s header to the ground Milik, even sensational in the double save against Kostic and Danilo. Thiaw has his back regarding the only uncertainty of the evening.”

“He comes in for Maignan’s knockout in the warm-up and responds brilliantly – reports the Corriere dello Sport -. Six saves, four of which are decisive. The ball escapes like a bar of soap only on McKennie’s header, but Thiaw saves him. He goes forgiven. The draw is also thanks to him.” This is what TMW writes: “Maignan who? Catapulted between the posts without warning, he isn’t fooled by the rebound from the poisonous free kick kicked by Vlahovic, the double reflex on Kostic and Danilo is superb. He also says no to Milik, just a small mistake healed from Thiaw”.

Gazzetta dello Sport: 7
Tuttosport: 7.5
Corriere dello Sport: 7.5
Corriere della Sera: 7 6.5