Juventus beats Milan only on points, 0-0 at the Stadium. Allegri: “Vlahovic? It’s nothing…”

Juventus tries, they deserve something more but in the end they fail to break Milan’s defensive curtain. The challenge that was supposed to make the Lady write a new and renewed pursuit of the 2nd place occupied by the Rossoneri, ends 0-0.

And to say that on points, to put it on a level more typical of boxing than football, the Bianconeri would have also deserved. Sportiello’s saves prevented Vlahovic and his teammates from inflating the net and being able to celebrate at the end of a test in which Szczesny didn’t even have to get his gloves dirty. There were zero shots on target conceded by Juventus, but as many as the goals scored. And in the end the two teams take home a point each from the Stadium, but Milan is undoubtedly the one smiling the most.

Mister Allegri, however, remains calm in his post-match analysis and serene: “It’s sad not to have won. The team, especially in the second half, had more confidence. We conceded little or nothing to Milan. We knew about the difficulties of the match, it’s sad not to have won but we put an extra point in the standings” . And to those who ask him for clarification on what happened with Vlahovic, who didn’t seem to have taken the change very well, he downplays it: “Nothing happened with Vlahovic. I made a change, at some point I thought it was right and appropriate. We can’t start in 11 and finish in 11. I was hopeful, because in the last few games the changes have been decisive. The important thing is that Vlahovic had a good performance.”