SPAL, Fusco: “We cannot be satisfied with salvation, injuries have been paid for”

Filippo Fusco, director of the technical area of ​​SPAL, in presenting the commitment with Olbia made a point of the entire season: “It is clear that we cannot be satisfied with SPAL being saved, as our President also said, but I also know that, in addition to the sporting aspect, there were other objectives and other situations. When you are relegated there is heavy waste that remains in the teams and this is demonstrated by the various clubs relegated from A to B and from B to C. who are unlikely to be able to play at the top in championships. In our case, then, there have also been many injuries, but this must not be an alibi because there is regret, also due to the fact that in the last few days the team has tightened the odds. ranks and demonstrated that they can keep up with the top teams in the table. Serie C is a championship in which the technical aspect sometimes struggles to be a priority and a series of situations that are not purely technical affect the evaluations and this has certainly involved we too. For my part, the pleasure and honor was to have had the President’s trust to be able to work at SPAL, which is an extraordinary club. I confess that I have rarely been as excited as I was in Sunday’s match against Pineto, with that incredible crowd and that magical atmosphere.

Furthermore, the priority objective was also to restore balance in the economic aspect and there were two market sessions in which we recorded revenues exceeding six and a half million euros. We all know how important this is, because a relegation is always an element with serious economic repercussions for a club. Together with the General Director and the Sports Secretary we all managed to make an important outgoing market together, while incoming the only costly operation was Petrovic’s loan while the others were all at no cost.”