Sampdoria, Pirlo: “The blows we took made us grow. It’s a shame about the goal conceded.”

Sampdoria draws against Como and regains the playoff zone. Stankovic’s saves and Borini’s scratch had deluded the Blucerchiati people who were revived by Cutrone’s goal a few minutes from the end. With this point, Samp rises to 46 points and overtakes Pisa in eighth place.

Andrea Pirlo, Sampdoria coach, spoke at the end of Ferraris’ match against Como. Here are the statements he made at the press conference and taken from

About the match:
“We were a bit timid in the first 20 minutes. We were waiting to see how Como would play. We had prepared them well more or less along this line. Little by little we grew. We beat blow for blow. It’s a shame that goal conceded in that unfortunate way” says Mister Doriano.

On the disqualifications of Borini, Esposito and Depaoli with Lecco:
“We will lose three important players. There is room for everyone now to play this match. It will be imperative to win. For Borini a good test, good performance. Esposito also did well, he lasted 90 minutes.”

The Samp who knew how to suffer:
“The many blows taken during the year have made us improve, even staying in a game in moments of suffering is a positive thing. Without this attitude you won’t win the games. We suffered, we weren’t able to bring home the victory. But congratulations to Como who found the equalizer” says Pirlo.

Sensations about Como:
“Como is the best team at the moment, they have turned a corner. Ours was a team performance, at this moment we must think about us and not about me, put personal objectives aside and try to think about the team.”

A Sampdoria trying to play Serie B football:
“We started the journey this summer trying to propose something. We started in one way, then due to many vicissitudes we changed but with the same concepts, the same principles. The objective is always to dominate the match” says Pirlo.

On the Marassi public:
“The support is a spectacle. There are always so many fans, at home and away. They make us feel their contribution. Unfortunately we are unable to give them satisfaction, especially at home.”

How is De Luca?
“De Luca is better, he should return to training this week with the group. I don’t know if he will recover for Lecco.”

How is Pedrola?
“Pedrola is fine now, he’s put in some playing time. Now he hasn’t stopped. He can start from the beginning.”

Regrets about Cutrone’s goal:
“It’s a shame to have played this lateral foul inside the pitch, we should have moved forward. Then a few rebounds. Conceding a goal from a throw-in is a shame.”

The tribute to Boskov:
“I have wonderful memories of him, it’s normal for what he did that he remained in the history not only of Sampdoria, but also of football.”