TMW Radio
During the “Piazza Affari” program on TMW Radio the former Inter manager intervened Ernesto Paolillo to comment on the current affairs of the Nerazzurri: “What idea did I get from the Inter-Oaktree issue? We are objective, hopefully. From a financial point of view for Inter it is a positive thing. Today the club is in debt at a very critical and troubled level. Without a doubt, even though I didn’t know all the details, I thought Zhang couldn’t last long. I make a very simple argument: Oaktree is a serious fund managed by great professionals an object that can gain value in the short term and can become something to resell making more money. The only thing is that a fan hopes to have a club for a long time but with a fund the long term is a maximum of 5 years”.
Your opinion on Zhang’s work?
“Zhang’s work for the peace of mind given to managers is of a high level. All the trophies that arrived were for them. I hope that the new company will keep this management. I’m not just saying this as a fan. Also because being able to do what they did with the whole debt situation is a lot of stuff.”
Can Marotta be president?
“The important thing is that he continues to be CEO. He can do everything because he is very good. The important thing is that he can continue to lead the company as he has done.”