…with Gaetano Masucci – ALL MARKET WEB

Gaetano Masucci says goodbye to playing football. The future, for the former striker who for years was accompanied by manager Danilo Caravello, is probably still in Pisa. In another guise. Masucci talks to TuttoMercatoWeb.com

Masucci, he decided. Do you stop?
“Everything must have a beginning and an end. If I had to choose with heart and passion I would never have stopped. It was right to end now. The tribute they dedicated to me was emotional.”

The best moment you carry with you?
“Really, I would struggle to find a moment. Sassuolo was certainly a very important page in my career and I left as a parent. On 18 August 1999 I left home to go to Turin, I was a child who didn’t want to leave his mother. I started with few expectations, the passion was so strong that it made me overcome the distance. And obviously the last experience left me with something extraordinary.”

What a shame not to have made the playoffs…
“I would have preferred to leave with this result. But life doesn’t always give you what you expect. We need to take note of it.”

And now?
“Knowing that I would finish, I took the sports director course. I had a chat with the company and I’m waiting. There are certainly other priorities but we are trying to understand in what capacity I can be useful.”

His role model as a manager?
“I have had many and with different characteristics. I definitely got a lot of ideas. But I would like to leave in my own way and get to know a world that I don’t know yet.”