After the bitter relegation on the field last year, which was then effectively avoided thanks to having taken over the sporting title of Vis Artena, the Rome City – the fourth team from Rome (after the famous Lazio and Roma and Trastevere) – reached the playoffs as fifth in Group F of Serie D, and is now preparing to face the challenge with L’Aquila. From the columns of Corriere dello Sportto comment on the Capitoline year, intervened their coach Agenore Maurizi: “Roma City faced a painful relegation with a disarming elegance, a sign of a great sporting culture that is rarely found in Italy. To create clear and marked styles of play, time is needed, just as it is to obtain results. I believe we have done a good job work, both on a technical-tactical level and in terms of mentality. However, our championship is not over. Now we have a good match against an excellent team.
He then added: “Roma City is a real paradise, where everyone would like to be able to work. I am happy to be part of it and I will give my all with loyalty and professionalism, to stay there as long as possible. It will take time to form a homogeneous group. We have to improve. The company is already in another category. I have a daily dialogue with the president. He is oriented towards the continuous improvement of the technical structure, he gives me motivation and enthusiasm expects.”