29 remained! More than 50% of the Serie C club changed coach at least once

The decision of Trapanifirst, and Beneventothen, to exonerate the coaches, respectively Ezio Capuano And Gaetano Auerihe moved the scale of Serie C regarding the changes on the bench.

At present, in fact, 29 out of 60 teams that have never changed coach during the season: 12 in group A, 9 in group B and 8 in group C.

Below is the detail of the clubs that preserved the chosen technician at the beginning of the sports season:

Group a
Albinoleffe: Giovanni Lopez
Alcione: Giovanni Cusatis
Atalanta U23: Francesco Modesto
Feralpisalò: Aimo Diana
Giana Erminio: Andrea Chiappella
Lumezzane: Arnaldo Franzini
Novara: Giacomo Gattuso
Padua: Matteo Andreoletti
Renate: Luciano Foschi
Trento: Luca Tabbiani
Vicenza: Stefano Vecchi
Virtus Verona: Gigi Fresco

Group B
Carpi: Cristian Serpini
Lucchese: Giorgio Gorgone
Milan future: Daniele Bonera
Pescara: Silvio Baldini
Rimini: Antonio Buscè
Ternana: Ignazio Abate
Torres: Alfonso Greco
Virtus Entella: Fabio Gallo
Vis Pesaro: Roberto Stellone

Group C
Audace Cerignola: Giuseppe Raffaele
Catania: Domenico Toscano
Crotone: Emilio Longo
Giugliano: Valerio Bertotto
Monopoly: Alberto Colombo
Picerno: Francesco Tomei
Power: Pietro De Giorgio
Team Altamura: Daniele Di Donato