January market with two purchases for Atalantawhich gave Gasperini the necessary reinforcements to cover the flaws on the pitch dictated by injuries. Here are all the purchases and official sales of the Orobic Club:
Stefan Posch (D) (Bologna) pre
Daniel Maldini (A) (Monza) Def
Pierluigi Gollini (P) (Genoa) FP
Federico Zuccon (C) (Salernitana) pre
Nicolò Zaniolo (C) (Galatasaray) FP
Alessandro Cortinovis (C) (Triestina) pre
Erdis Kraja (C) (Pescara) Def
Jacopo Sassi (P) (Crotone) pre
Pierluigi Gollini (P) (Rome) Def
Ludovico Gelmi (P) (Catanzaro) pre
Ben Godfrey (D) (ipswich Town) pre
Christian Mora (D) (Clodiense) Def
(Pre): loan (FP): end of loan (Def): definitive (Swiss): free (RIT): withdrawn
Atalanta’s vote in TMW report
Atalanta 6.5 – An accident and immediately a purchase. This theory had been launched in the summer, after the stop in Scamacca and the arrival of attributes, and everything was repeated also in winter, with the absence of Lookman and the entry into the squad, from the Monza of Daniel Maldini. A purchase for the present but also in perspective, with Zaniolo who left Bergamo, without however having ever engraved to the end. Posch will play among the three defense (also thanks to the accidents of Kossounou, Scalvini and Kolasinac) and not external, a role he has held several times before the arrival at Bologna.