Interviewed by today’s edition of Corriere dello Sportthe CEO of the Serie A League Luigi De Siervo He spoke of the Champions League: “The Champions League starts to generate 5 billion, 5 and a half gross turnover and where do you think it will prove much of that money? growth is not zero to the main alloys, especially as regards Rights abroad.
The football rights market is facing a moment of saturation and rationalization internationally. To maintain its values, the premier had to offer 20% more games, not to mention the difficulties even found by FIFA for the sale of the June Club World Cup. Middle Eastern allies? It is no longer news. But we remain positive because in the long run other actors and new technologies can enter the market. We are now in an era when the scenarios change continuously. As a League we have started a process of insur “certain skills to identify new opportunities that can capture the attention of future generations.
Doesn’t I look at the Champions League? It is wrong. On Wednesday I was in Barcelona to cheer Atalanta. Next to me, in the tribune authority, there were people who did not look at the game, they went to iPad, focusing all attention on the live broadcast of the others because the results would have determined the ranking, the direct passage or playoff “.