An excellent first half, a subdued second half. For many, this is the snapshot of the 2-1 they conceded Howcomeback, at Sinigaglia against Atalanta. Cesc Fabregascoach of the Lariani, does not entirely agree with this analysis: “I don’t know what to say, I saw a different match from you journalists – he says in the press conference -. It depends on what to look at: I’m thinking of the injury that occurred to Moreno , to Perrone who played very well, I keep the game, the competition, the desire to do well.
We have to play like we did today, even if everything changed. I saw that Atalanta made a huge effort, then with their strong bench it’s normal that they can make the difference. Congratulations to Atalanta who won.
Tension with Gasperini? A little, I never talk to the referee, he does and yells often. I think we need more respect for us, but who am I to say this. I won’t say anything else about the referee: we could have managed things and some plays better. Nothing to say, they win the game with the strongest player they have. But it was a tough match, coming here to us is always difficult.
Injuries? I have faith in all the guys, we work hard to do well, the team is growing and doing many things well. We prepared the match well, it gives me strength as a coach. Proud of them and for what we have done so far.”