Minister Abodi: “The renovation of the stadiums will begin in 2025”

(ANSA) – MILAN, DECEMBER 02 – “I feel co-responsible for a process that, as a Government, we must contribute to facilitating”: thus the Minister for Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi on the issue of Italian stadiums, speaking in Milan on the occasion of the third edition of “Sky Up The Edit”. “What we are doing – he explained – is ensuring that the projects move forward. In the coming months and throughout 2025, at least four or five stadiums will begin their renovation, giving priority to improving the existing ones. The objectives are the safety, accessibility, functionality and environmental education”.

“I am thinking of stadiums that can also be energetic communities, accessible to people with all forms of disabilities in every sector of the stadium. We have said it over the past 20 years, now we are doing it. I hope that football fans can enjoy the fruit of our work”, concluded Abodi. (HANDLE).