Gualtieri: “Pietratal opportunity not only for Roma but for the whole city”. The words on the Flaminio


During the sixth edition of the “Sport Talk Industry” the mayor of Rome spoke from the stage, Roberto Gualtieri: “Fixtures are essential for sport, we are trying to close an important gap. We have redone the PalaTiziano, we are working on the two stadiums of Rome and Lazio and above all on the arrival of the Metro at the Olimpico. A station in Farnesina would allow the entire Foro Italico to be covered by public transport. We are happy that there are two projects underway for the construction of stadiums in Rome.

Rome is ahead for the Pietralata site, it is a public area to be regenerated and the work is very advanced, we expect the final project quickly on the basis of an extraordinary project idea. It is an intervention that redevelops an entire quadrant, it is not an opportunity just for Rome but for the whole city. Lazio then showed interest in the redevelopment of the Flaminio, we are awaiting the first stage and the presentation of the project. The possibility of regenerating an abandoned public plant is a great opportunity for us and can allow Rome to make a further leap in quality.”