Iling Junior leaves Bologna: the loan interrupted, the Aston Villa runs it in the Championship


Last summer Samuel Ilding Junior He left Serie A for a few weeks, moving from Juventus to the Aston Villa as part of the Douglas Suez deal. Then, however, he immediately returned to Italy, shot on borrowed from Bologna. Now the 2003 class offensive exterior also greets Vincenzo Italiano’s team and returns to England. Not at the Aston Villa, but at the Middlesbrough in Championship, with which it will still play on loan until the end of this year.

This is the official press release with which Aston Villa has announced the interruption of the Iling Junior loan to Bologna and the player’s new loan to Middlesbrough: “The Aston Villa can confirm that Samuel Ild-Jr was called by the loan to Bologna And he will immediately join the Middlesbrough for the rest of the season “.