The report cards of Thiago Motta: his Juve decides not to play and has infinite fragility

A bitter defeat for Juventus. The team of Thiago Motta He lost against Benfica, however, detaching the pass for the Champions League playoffs. “Second consecutive defeat after the one in the championship against Napoli – analyzes in the commentary on the report card of the Juventus coach La Gazzetta dello Sport -. There is no reaction and not even dangers, only many whistles from the stands”. “Unlike the disappointing match against Napoli – writes Tuttosport – this time his Juve decides not to play the first half. In an emergency situation like this, with half a defense in the pits, perhaps thinking about the three -way defense would not have been A bad idea.

“A first half closed between borders of whistles is – analyzes the Corriere dello Sport – the mirror of the technical and psychological difficulties of the team that continue throughout the race. Dark of pesto for Juve who no longer finds himself”. This is the comment of TMW: “There is little concrete at stake, but in the abstract you play a lot: a signal would be appreciated by its people, the same one who whistles decisively at the end of a first half concluded below 0-1 by one Juventus too long appeared frightened.

The report cards of Thiago Motta 4
Gazzetta dello Sport: 4.5
Tuttosport: 5
Corriere dello Sport: 4
Corriere della Sera: 4 3