Former defender Lorenzo Stovini was interviewed by Radio Firenzeviola The day after the victory found by Fiorentina on the Lazio field, with a specific focus on the use of the central defenders and starting from the return between the owners, followed by a good performance, by Marin Pongracic: “it could not have become scarce from today and Tomorrow. And that Palladino continues with the defense at four “.
Can Pablo Marì be convenient for this Fiorentina?
“Palladino knows him and I think it is comfortable. They will have made careful choices and he is a good player. Other grafts are needed in some roles. It would take a midfielder, even if Gudmundsson and Beltran begin to turn this is a strong team. I have always liked it This Fiorentina, but now the environment must not think that everything is resolved.
For all the words of Stovini, listen to the podcast