Definitely excited days at home Ascoliwith the club called to replace the exonerated Domenico Di Carlo, for which the ko on Friday evening was fatal against a Lucchese in crisis. The farewell with the technician were announced, first names for the post, with the former Pianese Fabio Prosperi at the top of the list of properties of ownership: the former technician Amiatine, however, also courted by Campobasso, preferred the enticements, of the Molisana formation, where he landed in place of Mr. Piero Braglia.
From here, various polls by the Marches, who, as we anticipated, had probed the profiles of Massimo Paci and Franco Lerda, as well as to examine the internal solution with the promotion of Luigi Giorgi from the Under 17; But precisely in these minutes, the sudden turn, at least according to the online edition of the Adriatic Corriere. The chosen one for Carlo’s post, It should be Mirko Cudiniwhich would then return to Ascoli after the past as a defender between Serie A and Serie B from 2004 to 2007.
As reported by the first aforementioned newspaper, Codini was expected today in Coverciano with the Aiac (Italian Association of Calcio Coaches) of which he is representing, to participate in the election of the National President, but his absence, not preventive, confirmed The sudden operation born in the last few hours.