Cosenza, crisis deeper than ever: fans’ protest, hours of reflection on Alvini

A deafening silence continues to fall on the Cosenza. After yet another defeat, this time against Cittadella, sporting director Delvecchio chose not to expose himself, limiting himself to a laconic: “At this moment it is difficult to find the right words. Better to stay silent.” A statement that summarizes the difficulty of the moment, but which does not calm the growing anger of the fans.

The situation is dramatic: the rossoblù have not won in 10 games and have only collected 4 points in the meantime. Relegation numbers, aggravated by the 4 point penalty which further complicates the ranking. But it’s not just the mathematics that is worrying: the team appears to be in total decline, incapable of reacting and finding solutions on the field.

In the meantime, as reported by the ‘Tifo Cosenza’ portal, reflections on the future of Massimiliano Alvini. The coach’s position is increasingly in the balance, but identifying a replacement is not easy. The difficulties are not limited to the obvious technical limitations of the squad, but also include an incandescent environmental situation.

The dispute over the property has now clearly exploded. During the last match, the stadium expressed unanimous dissent towards president Guarascio, with chants and protests also starting from the stands. A fracture that appears increasingly difficult to mend, while Cosenza slides dangerously towards the abyss.