As announced yesterday, the Spezia fans’ appeal was filed against the decision to ban the away match against Carrara scheduled for next Sunday. A real race against time attempted by the two lawyers – the native of La Spezia and an Eagles fan Piergiorgio Leoni and the lawyer of the Lecco court Maurizio Scaccabarozziwho has been assisting Spezia since the first hour of the Platek era – in view of an eagerly awaited derby. This is an emergency appeal to ask the president of the TAR of Tuscany for a precautionary suspension measure which essentially cancels the effectiveness of the disqualification measure adopted by the Prefecture of Massa Carrara, adopted by the Observatory for sporting events, on supposed grounds related to public order.
“If our request is accepted, it would be an unheard-of measure for the other party, term which indicates the cases in which the judge provides on the basis of our simple requestduly documented, without the counterparty being able to intervene. – explains the lawyer Leoni to Il 19th century – There are recent precedentssuch as the TAR Lombardia Milano for Como-Parma and Monza-Fiorentina played last night, and all we have to do is document the merit of the application as best we canrespecting to the letter the dictates of the administrative procedure code and hoping that the TAR rules in favor”.
However, the “niet” given by the Liguria Regional Administrative Court to the recent appeal against the red light imposed for Samp-Spezia weighs like a stone.