Columnist and market man for Tuttomercatoweb, he is a presenter and radio commentator on Radio Sportiva. On RAI with rumors and behind the scenes
Another point, another important piece in the race towards salvation last night too. The How stopped Lazio’s European run and the formation of the Hartono brothers is certainly one of the most interesting realities in our country. And also some of the most active on the market, as we tell you every day. But what are the secrets of the project of the very rich Asian brothers? It all started when Como decided to revolutionize its philosophy at the very moment in which it surprised everyone, replacing Moreno Longo with Cesc Fabregas.
Because that decision, that choice, was the first brick, the first philosopher’s stone of the new course of the Como people who have so much to tell. Believing in your own ideas, focusing on your own idea, trusting in a convinced and shared choice by all the ownership and board members. And with this philosophy, which we will tell you in detail and behind the scenes, we will build what is the most innovative project of our championship.
How player search works
It all starts with data. From an original program that the recruiting team and Como analysts kicked off precisely on the occasion of that revolutionary choice. We start from the thousands of data that the system cross-references to provide lead global scouts with a list which is then submitted to the board. From here it passes to the financial sector and from here into the hands of the coach who will find a ‘shortlist’ of 4-5 names in the role identified (or requested) from which he will have freedom of choice.
The role of Fabregas and the board
How risky is it for Como to entrust so many responsibilities to Fabregas? In fact… Zero. Because everything starts from the data, the program and the board. If the Spanish coach were to make a specific request, a name or a player, then this should first go through the process mentioned above. Only if all the data and analysis of the Como program confirmed its validity and subsequently the board’s economic and financial analysis also certified it, then the green light would come. And what role do the protagonists have? No decision comes individually. The Hartono ownership has given the keys to the project to a board made up of head of first team, head of scouting, head of recruiting, head of performances, head of development, who collectively makes decisions, one way or another . An innovative and revolutionary perspective but which aims to limit risks and above all subjective evaluations.
The unique and original program
For Como this is the chosen philosophy and there is no going back. Not since that day when the program was ‘turned on’ which is an innovative gem in the world of scouting and recruiting. A road shared with the owners, an original and self-produced technical and data system, created ad hoc which is enriched with new specifications every week, every month. The management and the board are well aware that at the beginning there were players who had not been well identified and selected but the work of the program and the global scouts is precisely to correct the imperfections. Following a path already traveled in the States, the NFL and NBA above all, but also in the Premier League (Fulham uses a system that is adopted by the Jacksonville Jaguars in football). How does the system work? Top secret, but we can reveal that it evaluates player videos with in-depth analyzes also thanks to artificial intelligence. The system autonomously studies, according to inserted and increasingly specific parameters, the videos, the players’ movements, posture and behavior on the pitch. And he can watch up to 500 games a week. Then, after this process, after these analyses, everything is in the hands of the coach. Who chooses his name from the shortlist. But all this means not becoming inextricably linked to anyone, be it a manager or a coach. With a big goal. Grow. And dream. With our feet on the ground and our eyes on data and analysis.