Palermo, Osti: “Brunori is an added value, he must be exploited. Maximum availability on his part”

“When I received the phone call from Gardini, with whom I had worked in Treviso, I immediately said yes. I like the team even though it is obviously in a difficult moment and one of my first commitments is to understand the reasons for the decline and we will do the math at the end”. The new sporting director of Palermo Carlo Osti he spoke like this in the press conference, introducing himself to the new market and taking stock of the market that had just begun: “For me it is an unexpected opportunity, very beautiful and which I hope to make the most of, I enter on tiptoe aware that the objectives that can be achieved can be achieved an ambitious property like this has set itself. I am joining the CFG and this makes me proud, I hope to be able to change things and I think I can bring my experience which can be worth added value”.

Osti then continues by addressing the most imminent market issues as reported “I arrived three days ago and it’s still early to understand where to intervene, I spoke with all the players starting with Brunori. I had a sincere chat with him in which we analyzed his situation. – continues Osti – In my opinion the boy is calmer and I asked him to regain the captaincy, he gave me maximum availability. I think strong players need to be motivated. Brunori represents added value and it is right that it is exploited as such”.

The new sporting director also focuses on the replacement of Desplanches who is currently injured: “Everyone spoke well of him to me, I don’t see why we shouldn’t renew our trust in him. He has the motivation to get out of the difficult moment. – continues Osti – We will make our assessments, we will try to rebalance the squad based on the choice of module that the coach decides to adopt. At the moment no player has requested the transfer.”