He is eventually pardoned by Karamoh when he slips, but the game of Zion Suzuki it was excellent. The Parma goalkeeper was the protagonist of the draw against Torino. “It’s not the best of style – reports the Gazzetta dello Sport – but it’s effective; he fends off Adams’ two calls in the first half, then flies to Linetty at the end”. “In the 9th minute Adams doesn’t head as well as he could – we read on Tuttosport – but the Japanese’s reactivity is still cat-like. He repeats himself in the 18th minute, going down to deflect an angled shot again by the Scotsman. A few seconds from the gong he comes close to the diagonal of Linetty and saves Parma”.
“He alternates some slightly clumsy interventions with a series of real miracles – writes ParmaLive.com -. Always courageous, even when coming out. In the first half there are two saves from Adams, both decisive in keeping the result nailed to 0- 0. Then, on the last play of the match, he flies into the top corner and makes a very heavy save, which is worth a point.” This is the comment from TMW: “A recovery almost as a non-paying spectator, but a first half as an absolute protagonist. He wins the duel with Che Adams, two great saves on the Torino striker. In the final he also exalts himself on Linetty, a save that counts one point”.
Zion Suzuki’s report cards
TuttoMercatoWeb.com: 7
Gazzetta dello Sport: 7
Tuttosport: 8
Corriere dello Sport: 7.5
Corriere della Sera: 7.5
ParmaLive.com: 7.5