CONI real estate assets, big words fly between Aracu and Malagò

(ANSA) – ROME, DECEMBER 17 – “Compared to 32 years ago, Coni’s real estate assets today are in trouble.” This is the phrase from the president of the Italian Roller Sports Federation, Sabatino Aracuwhich angered Coni’s number one, Giovanni Malagò. “Either you are incorrect or out of place”, replied the latter, interrupting Aracu’s speech to the national council in the hall of honour. “The public body Coni has improved in the post-Totocalcio era over the last 20 years”, reiterated Malagò.

Aracu, in office since 1993, then specified that “But it is certainly not Malagò’s fault and there was no intention of judging the people and the management, but here we are discussing how Coni was, how it is and how will be in the future.” The two then clarified in private. (HANDLE).