…with Ibrahima Mbaye – ALL MARKET WEB

Ibrahima Mbaye community. The former Bologna defender has obtained Italian citizenship and can return to play in Italy. “Finally. I am very happy,” Mbaye tells TuttoMercatoWeb.com.

How did you experience the period waiting for your passport?
“A very tough, difficult period. I had this bureaucratic problem but I always trained. I take this opportunity to thank Reggiana with whom I trained last year and we couldn’t materialize precisely because I was waiting for the passport.”

Passport aside, Italy is part of his life.
“I’ve been here for fifteen years, a long time. I became a man in Italy. I only know Italy other than Senegal”

And now for her we’re back to talking about the market…
“My agent Beppe Accardi will take care of it. I hope you find something important as soon as possible.”

What effect did seeing Bologna in the Champions League have on you?
“Seeing him in the Champions League was wonderful. I saw the fans celebrating. I am very attached to Bologna. I’m rooting for them. Little by little they are recovering in the championship.”

Who are you training with now?
“I trained with Isokitenic and now with Rimini who I thank for the opportunity and hospitality. Now I’m ready to get back on track. I can’t wait”.