“Paulo Fonseca has every right to complain about the referees – even just one – if he believes they have damaged him. Others do it, why not him?”: thus the director of Corriere dello Sport, Ivan Zazzaroni, about the coach of Milan, Paulo Fonseca. In fact, in recent days the words of the Portuguese coach following the match lost by the Diavolo in Bergamo, against Atalanta, have caused discussion.
Then he explains: “This time, however, he got the tone, the match and the historical moment wrong. The tone because having spoken of a direction will force him to answer to the federal prosecutor’s office; the match because in reality La Penna did not damage Milan – up Theo was not a foul, teletalent and some ex tutto confirmed it -; the moment because he attacked the referees on the day of the black mustache, or rather the sensational protest of the entire category for the violence suffered, in particular in the lower divisions and in the tournaments youth”.